08. – 10. June 2024 | The diversity of sustainability at a fair
The Green World Tour in Düsseldorf is a fair dedicated to sustainable products, technologies, and concepts. At this two-day event, both individuals and business owners are invited to explore everything related to sustainability. The fair provides information on the latest technological developments, showcases potential savings, and offers a wide array of sustainable products and services. Visitors can also expect an extensive series of lectures by experts discussing the current state of technology and ongoing social dialogues.A special program is available for younger attendees. Interested parties will gain all the necessary information to promote sustainable development in both their professional and personal lives. Despite widespread societal agreement that sustainable engagement is essential, insufficient action has been taken so far. The Green World Tour aims to bridge this gap, demonstrating that sustainable actions can often be easily implemented and can yield personal benefits.
The Green World Tour will take place on 3 days from Saturday, 08. June to Monday, 10. June 2024 in Düsseldorf.